
2008-02-19 1:12 am

回答 (10)

2008-02-19 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Knock offs are not durable & can be easily damaged even with normal use.
Knock offs =假貨
2008-02-20 1:49 am
The counterfeit goods are used very easily rottenly.
2008-02-19 4:40 am
The counterfeit goods are used rottenly very easily.
2008-02-19 4:32 am

The fake products are very easy to be used the rotten one.
2008-02-19 2:09 am
The imitation item is extremely easy not durable.
(仿製項目) ( 極 ) ( 不耐久 )

2008-02-18 18:12:03 補充:
  (仿製項目) ....的  是空格(電腦的space),唔知why會這樣,sorThe imitation item is extremely easy not durable. The imitation item (仿製項目) extremely ( 極 ) not durable ( 不耐久 )
參考: 我自己英文
2008-02-19 2:04 am
Fake is very easy to be broken.
2008-02-19 1:38 am
It is easy to break counterfeit products

2008-02-18 17:41:25 補充:
it should be"It is easy to break counterfeit products even if used properly"
2008-02-19 1:20 am
The counterfeit goods are very easily used rottenly
2008-02-19 1:19 am
The counterfeit goods are very easily used rottenly.

2008-02-18 17:29:09 補充:
counterfeit : a. 1. 偽造的;假冒的 counterfeit passports 假護照 2. 假裝的,虛偽的 counterfeit sorrow 假裝的悲傷 rottenly : ad. 1. 【口】很糟糕,很壞
參考: yahoo! 聰明筆
2008-02-19 1:18 am
The counterfeit goods are used very easily rottenly.


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