
2008-02-18 11:07 am
我f.5畢業,冇讀書同做野差唔多1年,宜家想去外國讀書,首選canada 既toronto,becoz 我只係需要比school fees ,食同住都唔洗錢,hkd$600,000 讀埋4年大學夠用嗎?同埋宜家好似係ca讀完第一年後可以係校外工作(當然要拎working permit),諗住搵d生活費...有人知道詳情嗎?去到應該讀grade 12 ,唔知讀邊間school 好,比d意見,睇過幾十間學校既website ,最有興趣的係 McDonald International Academy & Braemar College,唔知校風如何? toronto 除左university of toronto之外,附近仲有冇其他大學,離toronto 兩個鐘到車程都ok.麻煩各位了.

回答 (2)

2008-02-18 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
F5..I believe is grade 11...so you still have a year left, Mcdonald International Academy and Braemar college both sound good, but you may want to consider public or catholic funded schools as well.

About the working permit, it may be quite difficult...many of those visa students simply work for jobs that pay cash (which is illegal, but it's all over the place in Toronto), like restaurants and supermarkets. However, your salary MAY BE below the minimum wage (which a bit under $8CDN/per hour)

Now onto university, it depends heavily on the degree you studying for, but take a typical commerce/business management degree for example, tuition fees are as follows:
Science degrees like Life Science or engineering are more costly..and professional degrees are even beyond that price.

HK $600, 000 is roughly $76 923 CDN...which should be enough for a 4-year degree if living and eating costs are covered. However, like you said, maybe you should consider a part-time job if you want to have some extra money to spend

Some other universities are:
Ryerson University (located in the heart of Toronto, I mean downtown, very closeby U of T)
McMaster University (in Hamilton, I'm estimating a 30-40 minute drive)
York University (in North York, Toronto)
Ontario college of Art and design (Canada's largest city in terms of art and design)
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (newly recognized university)
University of western Ontario (located in London, Ontario, maybe roughly a 2-hour drive from Toronto)
Queens University (in Kingston, Ontario, maybe a bit far, about 3 hours)

You may want to take a look at the website below, it lists quite a number of secondary/high schools as well as universities that are rather well known in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)

Hope all of this helps
參考: Meeeee
2008-02-23 12:27 pm
樓上嗰位朋友已經講得好清楚, 不過想提提你; 你所講嗰兩間學校相信係專為外國學生開嘅私校, 相信冇本地人讀, 其實你都可以考慮吓入公立學校, 選擇多而且又可以同本地學生一齊讀.
參考: 來自多倫多

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