Have you ever just had those days where you just don't really feel anything?

2008-02-17 11:03 pm
You're not sad but you're not happy either, and everything that is going on just isn't affecting you at all? Like you're numb? Has that ever happened to you?

回答 (20)

2008-02-17 11:26 pm
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Yeah, It usually happens after something really really emotional has happened. it's like my body is too lazy to feel anything right now...it's been in emotional overload so much, it really could care less about anything but it's basic survival needs.(eat, sleep and water!) It's my body saying to chill out, or it's going to chill it's self out, and I don't have a say in it!
2008-02-18 5:48 am
yup, you feel numb inside but on your mind you know there is something wrong. you know when once you get out of that numbness youre sure u can figure it out..but u just cant or u just wont....
2008-02-18 3:20 pm
yes. I'll be thinking, 'how do I feel today", or "how does that make me feel" and I'll think, "OMG! I got nothing!"

I don't know if it's better to not feel anything or to be sad/angry all day. But, I've been happy lately, so that's good.
2008-02-18 1:23 pm
Yes I have it before but I dont want to get it in memory again
2008-02-17 11:57 pm
yeah, I just seat or lay in my bed for the whole day in the dark and writing poems.
2008-02-17 11:26 pm
» Yeah, mostly on the weekends when I`m doing practically nothing.
2008-02-17 11:15 pm
Yeah I have had days like that and at times I feel dead inside as well.
2008-02-17 11:09 pm
All the time.
2008-02-17 11:08 pm
Yes I have those days
2016-10-19 10:18 pm
those are the days I actually stay in my jammies and front room around in my mattress, analyzing and staring at television, and drowsing. . . fortuitously for my kinfolk, i do no longer do this toooo usually! (yet no longer usually sufficient for me! LOL)

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