London Eye

2008-02-18 5:58 am
請問座 London Eye 係邊個時候 (中午, 黃昏 or 晚上) 最好? 需要不需要預早訂票 (因為我想星期六座)? 如果訂了票, 要早幾多去到呢?


回答 (2)

2008-02-22 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I went on it myself during sunset(7pm) in the summer (July). It wasn't crowded as most people were having supper! I would suggest that you book your tickets as it is the most popular time of the week(many french tourists). If you book online, it is 13.95 per person. You then collect your tickets 30min before your schduled time.
參考: Live in LONDON
2008-02-18 9:58 am
其實中午, 黃昏 or 晚上各有各靚, 同埋好睇天氣而定, 例如有太陽定係有雲都會唔同~
其實如果你人少, 唔係團體, 可以唔使訂, 因為一個箱都可以有好多人..
訂左飛就唔係好清楚有無分時段, 如果無, 你喜歡幾點去都可以; 如果有, 就當然係指定時間去啦 ~
但係,你星期六去, 可能好多人...所以記住計埋排隊時間..
參考: myself...i have been there twice and living in London now

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