my文章,可否幫我check 下D grammar?... thx

2008-02-18 3:17 am
In fact, those slimming drugs contain haw. Haw is a plant. It can help people digest easily. But, if your stomach doesn’t have enough food, it will hurt your tummy. Usually, when a person is keeping fit, she will eat less. In that case, haw will hurt her tummy and makes her ill. Nowadays, there are a lot of people try these slimming product, whereas they didn’t seem right. Some of the users had a stomach-ache very often. They will also have a insomnia or even anorexia. How terrible it is!

回答 (2)

2008-02-18 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Haw is a plant WHICH can help people digest MORE easily.
But, if your stomach doesn’t have enough food, it will hurt your tummy. ( 我覺得HOWEVER代替BUT好D)
In THIS case, haw will hurt her tummy and makes her ill.
Nowadays, there are a lot of people TRYING these slimming productS, whereas they didn’t seem right.
Some of the CONSUMERS had a stomach-ache very often.

我覺得你呢篇真係怪怪地......@@ 你可以講一個POINT詳細D
2008-02-18 3:22 am
我明白你的 ....
你好似好多字唔識 ,
不斷查 ,
但係又唔睇個 詞性 ,
睇左都唔知你 寫咩 。

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