help me to change in to english!!!!

2008-02-18 2:22 am
1.出生於九州, 不管多小的事情都會拼命去做, 個性超認真的,也很固執。基本上來說是個小氣鬼,非常討厭浪費,能用的東西都會繼續用,甚至想拿舊窗簾幫女兒做裙子…。每天都過得很幸福,很容易滿足的人。







回答 (2)

2008-02-18 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Born in Kyushu . (She) has a headstrong personality that makes her treat everything seriously and go all-out for things she wants. Call her a thrifty, for she hates wasting things and tend to reuse them whenever she can. In one episode she has thought of making a dress for her daughter out of window curtain. She has an easy-going spirit and is happy with the life she having.

2. Born in Kyushu . (He/she) is a reticent boy/girl who is more interested in doing things as he/she pleases than things happening around him/her. But in fact, he/she finds lots of amusement from the weird things his/her mother does. He himself is a little bit weird, and often found to have forgotten to close the washroom door or carried strange things home. He also has an easy-going spirit and is happy with the life he/she is having.

3. An ordinary high school girl who loves day-dreaming and fashion. She tends to bickers with her mother for minor things.

4. An ordinary junior high school boy. He is simple, innocent and shy. He always gets hurt when the weirdness of his mother and sister get on his nerve.
2008-02-18 2:31 am

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