
2008-02-18 2:04 am

溫布頓網球錦標賽(Wimbledon Championships)是網球運動中最古老和最具聲望的賽事。錦標賽通常舉辦於6月或7月,是每年度網球大滿貫的第3項賽事,排在澳大利亞公開賽和法國公開賽之後,美國公開賽之前。整個賽事(大滿貫賽事中唯一使用草地球場的)通常歷時兩周,但會因雨延時。男子單打、女子單打、男子雙打、女子雙打和男女混合雙打比賽在不同場地同時進行。溫布頓還舉辦有男子單打、女子單打、男子雙打、女子雙打的青年比賽。此外,溫布頓還為退役球員舉辦特別邀請賽,如35歲及以上的男子雙打、45歲及以上的男子雙打和35歲及以上的女子雙打比賽。

回答 (5)

2008-02-18 2:11 am
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The warm 布頓 tennis championship tournament (Wimbledon
Championships) is in the tennis movement is most ancient and most has
prestigious the sports event. The championship tournament usually
conducts in June or in July, is each year tennis big Man Kuan 3rd
sports event, arranges after the Australian public competition and the
French public competition, in front of American public competition.
Entire sports event (in greatly full birthplace sports event only use
lawn field) usual lasted two weeks, but can because of the rain time
delay.The men's singles, the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's
doubles and the mixed doubles competition also carries on in the
different location. Warm 布頓 also conducts has the men's singles,
the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles youth
competition. In addition, warm 布頓 also for retires the player to
hold the special invitational tournament, like 35 year old and above
men's doubles, 45 year old and above men's doubles and 35 year old and
above women's doubles competition.
2008-02-18 2:21 am
The warm 布頓 tennis championship tournament is in the tennis
movement is most ancient and most has prestigious the sports event.
The championship tournament usually conducts in June or in July, is
each year tennis big Man Kuan 3rd sports event, arranges after the
Australian public competition and the French public competition, in
front of American public competition. Entire sports event (in greatly
full birthplace sports event only use lawn field) usual lasted two
weeks, but can because of the rain time delay. The men's singles, the
women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles and the mixed
doubles competition also carries on in the different location. Warm
布頓 also conducts has the men's singles, the women's singles, the
men's doubles, the women's doubles youth competition. In addition,
warm 布頓 also for retires the player to hold the special
invitational tournament, like 35 years old and by
2008-02-18 2:12 am
The Wimbledon Championships tennis championship tournament (Wimbledon Championships) is in the tennis movement is most ancient and most has prestigious the sports event. The championship tournament usually conducts in June or in July, is each year tennis big Man Kuan 3rd sports event, arranges after the Australian public competition and the French public competition, in front of American public competition. Entire sports event (in greatly full birthplace sports event only use lawn field) usual lasted two weeks, but can because of the rain time delay. The men's singles, the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles and the mixed doubles competition also carries on in the different location. Wimbledon also conducts has the men's singles, the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles youth competition. In addition, Wimbledon also for retires the player to hold the special invitational tournament, like 35 year old and above men's doubles, 45 year old and above men's doubles and 35 year old and above women's doubles competition.
參考: yahoo
2008-02-18 2:11 am
The Wimbledon tennis championship tournament (Wimbledon Championships) is in the tennis movement is most ancient and most has prestigious the sports event. The championship tournament usually conducts in June or in July, is each year tennis big Man Kuan 3rd sports event, arranges after the Australian public competition and the French public competition, in front of American public competition. Entire sports event (in greatly full birthplace sports event only use lawn field) usual lasted two weeks, but can because of the rain time delay. The men's singles, the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles and the mixed doubles competition also carries on in the different location. Wimbledon also conducts has the men's singles, the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles youth competition. In addition, Wimbledon also for retires the player to hold the special invitational tournament, like 35 year old and above men's doubles, 45 year old and above men's doubles and 35 year old and above women's doubles competition.
2008-02-18 2:10 am
the different location. Wimbledon also conducts has the men's
singles, the women's singles, the men's doubles, the women's doubles
youth competition. In addition, Wimbledon also for retires the
player to hold the special invitational tournament, like 35 year old
and above men's doubles, 45 year old and above men's doubles and 35
year old and above women's doubles competition.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:31:04
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