急!!!幫我做個eng book report!!!

2008-02-17 10:50 pm
急!!!幫我做個eng book report!!!小5程度50字到要有書名author,
no.of page,唔該!!

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2008-02-17 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Book Title : Daddy-Long-Legs
Author : Jean Webster
No. of pages : 185 pages

Summery :

Daddy-Long-Legs is a 1912 novel by an American writer Jean Webster. The main character, Judy, was sent to school with the help of a tall man. But the only requirement is Judy need to write a letter to this tall man every month, and she never knows who this tall man is. In this book, it is combined with many letters but not chapters. And the first chapter is the only chapter that is not in letter-form. This story is using first person narration. Because Judy only know he is very tall, so she named him ‘Daddy-Long-Legs ‘. Through reading Judy’s letters, the readers can know about her school life.

Reflections :

After I read this book, first I think Jean Webster is a brilliant writer. Because I really love this story, it’s quite dramatic. He through Judy’s letters to tell the readers about Judy’s school life. It’s not same as the other books, just write out the story, and not attractive.

My favourite character I like in this book is the most secret people, Daddy-Long-Legs. Although he is quite strange, but when Judy felt sad or unhappy, he still can make Judy smile again. When Judy got something happy, she can also share with Daddy-Long-Legs.
I think this book is dramatic also because the one who Judy loves is those handsome boy, Jervis Pendleton, and growing a friendship with him, and she didn’t know that this boy is exactly Daddy-Long-Legs. It’s intensely interesting

Daddy-Long-Legs 係1本比較出名的小說, 適合小五情度, 希望幫到你
參考: 自己
2008-02-17 10:59 pm
Name: No ghost

It is a ghost story. It started in Horace’s flat. Horace and her family moved house to a new flat in Kowloon City.
One day, Gillian and Mabel, Horace’s sisters, found that the timer and the temperature of an air-conditioner changed wilfully. They thought there was a ghost did that.
At night, Horace heard some sounds of a car accident. She woke up but she did not see anything. The street lights shone on no other moving thing. It was strange that she heard same sounds of the car accident next night.
Another Night, Horace, Gillian and Mabel slept together because they were afraid of the ghost. Suddenly, they heard some “swish” sounds. They thought the ghost made the sound when it went away in a wind. Horace woke up and checked but she saw nothing about the ghost.
They told the problem to her uncle. He said something wrong in the control box of the air-conditioner. He discovered an old lady made the “swish” sounds and the sound of car accident. She lived one floor above Horace. The “swish” sounds was made by her armchair and the sound of car accident was made by her alarm clock rang!

I love reading this book very much. It is an interesting story. The words are easy and some words are quite difficult. But I can guess the meaning of the words. I like every part of the book such as Horace heard a sound of a car accident. They are exciting. I quite like the ending of the story.
If I write a sequel, I will let Horace, Gillian and Mabel to find out the problems by themselves. I think this is more exciting of the ending.
I like Horace best. Although she was a girl, she was very brave. When she heard some sound, she woke up and saw weather there was a ghost or not.
I enjoy reading the book because the story is exciting and funny so I will recommend this book to other readers.
參考: ME

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