請英文作文天才進... ...急

2008-02-17 10:32 pm
Paul is writing his didry about a new classmate in his class.
You are Paul . Complete the didry in about 80 words . the following questions may help you .
1.Who is the new classmate?
2.What does he/she look like?
3.How do you feel about him/her
4.what happened in class?

1 Sepetember ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7 Septenber ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

回答 (1)

2008-02-17 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 September
Today, I've got a new friend. His name is Peter. He sits by the side of me. This is the first year school life of XXX primary/secondary school. He wears a pair of black glasses. He is tall and thin. He is nice but shy. He's clever. In Mathematic, he got a lot of prizes before. Athough all of us treated him right. He still showed timid. But I believe that as the days is longer, he will be one of the family of us.

7 September
It's a nice day. In the lunch, I went down to the playground and bought some bread. Than I saw Peter. He was taking a basketball and was standing in the basketball court. It looked like he wanted to join the game of the boys who was playing basketball. Than he went to them and said something to the boys who was taking a rest and ready for the next match. I guessed he was asking to play with them. But the boys didn't argee. Even called him ''thin boy'' and pushed him away. I was shock. And I thought they were bully. I went to them and talked to them. Because I am a prefect. So they listened to me and said sorry to Peter. I think Peter may eat more and become fatter. So that he may not be '' thin boy'' again.
參考: 自己作

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