求 all Hong Kong Red Cross 步操 command

2008-02-17 10:10 pm
求all Hong Kong Red Cross 步操 command,我的commander教哂所有動作,但我想重溫全部,不要幾句,要哂全部。thx!

回答 (4)

2008-02-25 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Squad, fall out
2.Right marker, Squad, fall in
3.Open order, right dress
4.Eyes front
5.Squad will move to the right in threes, right turn
6.Saluting, by number, saluting to the front, squad one
7.Squad two
8.Saluting to the front, salute
9.Squad will advance, left turn
10.Close order right dress
11.Eyes front
12.Squad, stand at ease
13.Stand easy
14.Squad, attention
15.Squad will move to the right in threes, right turn
16.Squad will retire, right turn
17.Squad will advance, about turn
18.Squad will move to the left in threes, left turn
19.Squad will retire, left turn
20.Squad will advance, about turn
21.Dressing, right dress
22.Eyes front
23.Squad will move to the right in threes, right turn
24.By the left, quick march
25.By the left, left wheel
26.By the left, left wheel
27.By the right, eyes right
28.Eyes front
29.Squad, halt
30.Squad will move to the left in threes, about turn
31.By the right, quick march
32.By the right, eyes right
33.Eyes front
34.By the right, right wheel
35.By the right, right wheel
36.Squad, halt
37.Squad will advance, right turn
38.Dressing, right dress
39.Eyes front
2009-11-03 4:37 am
By the center to the right, right form!

By the center to the left,left form!
2009-02-05 1:56 am

Squad , halt chalt one two 然後 boom !!!!!!
2008-03-07 7:22 am
40 squad, stand at ease
41 Stand easy

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