tense 問題

2008-02-17 10:03 pm
Peter係一位醫生, Joe係Peter的小學同學, 但她不知道peter已經成為了一位醫生

有一日, joe遇到Peter, 如果我問peter:「呀joe有冇驚訝你係一位醫生?」

Were Joe surprised that you were a doctor?

Were Joe surprised that you are a doctor?

我想問係應該用were定are (peter直到現在也是doctor)

回答 (1)

2008-02-17 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Were Joe surprised that you are a doctor? is the correct answer.

Past tense is refers to something happened in past.If something is from past until now ,it is just use persent tense
參考: myself

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