
2008-02-17 9:45 pm
English 一問:
1.how to change the sentences into questions??

回答 (3)

2008-02-20 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's easy.

First find out which catagory of statement the sentence belongs to(who, where, when, whom, which, why).

Next, you reform the sentence by placing the question word(who, where, when, whom, which, why) in front of the question. Place the verb-to-be (is, am, are), next.The subject or pronoun (he, she, it, you, me) should be placed in the third. The verb should be last.

eg.I am going home.
-Where (question word) are (verb-to-be) you (pronoun) going (verb)?

There is also another type of question. It only requires a yes-or-no answer. What you have to do is to move the verb-to-be in front of the sentence.

eg.He is going to London.
-Is he going to London?
參考: angelgloriachung
2008-02-17 10:01 pm
例:I ate rice with chopsticks at home yesterday.

通常問問題會用 Who,whom,what,when,why,where,how等詞語。

當唔知" I " : Who ate rice with chopsticks at home yesterday?
當唔知" ate rice " : What did I eat with chopsticks at home yesterday?
當唔知" with chopsticks " : How did I eat rice at home yesterday?
當唔知" at home " : Where did I eat rice with chopsticks yesterday?
當唔知" yesterday " : When did I eat rice with chopsticks at home?
參考: Myself
2008-02-17 10:00 pm
depends on what sentence it is
(e.g Is this your dog? this is a quesstion but in sentence this is you dog)
I hope this is what you ask for

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