
2008-02-17 5:13 pm
1. Need not 後是不是要用bear infinitive?

2. It's no avail 'BY' banning it from running.


3. It is of importance

謝謝你的解答.. 請問可不可以幫幫忙回答這兒另外3條呢? http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7008021700805

回答 (1)

2008-02-17 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. preferable bare infinitive
otherwise it might be noun
e.g. we need not try.
we need not you.

2. It is (of) no avail ....
I think of is omitted. "By" cannot be inserted in it.

similar example, It is no use sleeping the whole day long.

2008-02-17 13:34:51 補充:
3. like Q.2, It is important=It is of importance It is of+noun+(that)or you might try inversion, of great importance it was,...

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