
2008-02-17 8:46 am
1.. 即使我忘記在香港發生的所有

2.. 感激有在這本紀念冊留名的人
夢想像是遙不可及 決定在自己
有沒有這份堅持與勇氣去面對 去加油


回答 (5)

2008-02-17 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.. 即使我忘記在香港發生的所有

2.. 感激有在這本紀念冊留名的人
夢想像是遙不可及 決定在自己
有沒有這份堅持與勇氣去面對 去加油

1 .. Even if I forget all that happened in Hong Kong
I will not forget you had these friends

2 .. grateful to have a place in this Alumni people
I dream for themselves to creating a struggle ..
Like distant dream in their own decision
Have the courage to persist in the face to refuel

Two more .. can be done to help the English translation?
On the poor standard of English woman = W = "
I would appreciate your ...><& quot; Thank you ~
2008-02-23 11:30 pm
1.. 即使我忘記在香港發生的所有
1.. even if I forgot occurred in Hong Kong possesses me not to be able
to forget once had your these friends

2.. 感激有在這本紀念冊留名的人
夢想像是遙不可及 決定在自己
有沒有這份堅持與勇氣去面對 去加油
2.. gratitues have the person which leaves a good name in this
commemoration book I for oneself to vainly hope for rushed. Has
struggled the dream picture is remote may not and the decision has
this share in oneself to persist faces with the courage refuels
2008-02-17 9:34 am
1.Even I won't remember all the things happened in HK,
I will never forget you all.

2.Thanks for every one signed in this autograph book,
I strive for my dreams and for my excellent
Dreams seem fall away but decisions are always done by myself
Do you have courage to face it ? Try your best !
參考: my self.可能會有錯.
2008-02-17 9:23 am
1..Despite I've forgotton all things happened in HK, I don't dare to forget I'd all of you as my friends.

2..I'm grateful to those who wrote on this autograph album; I'll fight for my dream...to work hard.
Dream seems to be unrealistic but the key is whether I insist on & have courage to face & try my best or not.
2008-02-17 9:18 am
1) Even if I forgot everything, I would never forget you guys.

2) I am appreciated to everyone who come and signed in my album. I am going to fight for my dream. It becomes tough but I would afford on this with enthusiasm and bravery.

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