
2008-02-17 8:25 am
分三輪比賽,每輪分三組,每組3人,共9組, 而每輪比賽都會有1組勝出,得到獎品。



請以英文翻譯以上內容....急!!!! .... annual dinner 比人睇ga....

回答 (2)

2008-02-18 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Method of playing game:
This is a 3-round game consisting of nine groups (three groups per round competition) . The group who can win out in each round competition will be awarded a prize.
Participants are required to put grapes into their mouths as much as possible within the specified time - five seconds . After the time limition, participants must spit grapes into the empty bowls available.The person-in-charge is responsible for counting the spitting-out grapes one by one. The group who can spit out the most grapes among three groups will be the winner.
Notice to participants:
1. Don't continue putting any grapes into your mouth when the person-in-charge orders you to stop. Those who violate the rules will be disqualified .
2. The grapes either damaged or bitten off will not be counted.
3. There comes bi-championship in case of two groups getting the same grapes in quantiy. And the two winning groups will share prize in average way.
4.One or two staff per group are assigned to count grapes so as to ensure its accuracy for the winning groups.
5. Please don't bother any participants during competition in order to prevent any accidents.

Hope this helps!
2008-02-17 9:24 pm
Game play:
Divide into three games, each divide into 3 set, each 3 people, total 9 sets, and each games will have 1 set to win and win an award.

Time of each set member game is 5 and need while limiting inside will lift son to stuff into, limit later on, participant must inside of lift son to vomit in get ready of the another empty the bowl, by manage one by one order calculate.In 3 teams fill to lift sub- total amount at most for win.

Special note:
1.manage to call to stop behind not again will lift son to put inside entrance, violate the rules cancel qualifications
2.the participant vomit of lift son if have already damaged or bite lousy, don't calculate
3.if the round's game have 2 sets of suggest a sub- number homology, the lunch box makes a double to win and divides equally a gift
4.each one need 1-2 staff members to be responsible for a point to lift sub- number to win a troop by assurance on the whole
5.please keep a participant emotion stability, in order to prevent occurrence accident


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