Where can I buy JPop à la iTunes from outside Japan?

2008-02-16 8:44 pm
Is there a website that will allow people *outside* Japan to buy JPop à la iTunes? E.g. Buying songs per track, at affordable prices (99 cents/79 pence), for legal download.

iTunes Store restricts its users to music sold in the country of their credit card. My credit cards are all British and I can't find ANY JPop on the UK iTunes store!

I've also heard that some Japanese music sites will only allow people in Japan to download music >_<!!

So if you know of any (legal) music download sites that are truly international, can you please tell me? Thanks!

回答 (4)

2008-02-17 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get an Japan Itune card from JBOX at http://www.jbox.com/SEARCH/itunes_card

You can chose to have the card delivered to you or just the redemption code to avoid shipping fees

Then signup for a Japan Itune account ONLY via the redeem card link to bypass the JAPAN ONLY protection.
2008-02-16 9:11 pm
hmmm.. i think HMV japan? i usually downlaod it the opposite way to you. much easier. but i think HMV japan sells it to people outside. You could do it legally by going onto esnips.com and people upload songs, and u can download them. it says its legal.
2008-02-17 10:09 am
iTMS Japan (need to download the software from Apple Japan. In Japanese only though). Japanese expats buying songs from here.
However, I wonder if they accept your credit card.
2016-10-19 6:24 pm
hi, there is not that lots of a distinction different than: a million. once you purchase a single from a save you get CD, a actual, non-digital element. 2. once you purchase a CD single there are in lots of cases a pair of bonus tracks. 3. you're able to purchase the CD then positioned it on the the computing gadget. it fairly is Vice-Versa in case you acquire it (in case you desire to place it on a sparkling CD). 4. this is totally virtually continually extra inexpensive to acquire. desire this facilitates! P.S. you could in lots of cases get a sparkling version on iTunes, something you cant do with many singles. different than this there is not any distinction interior the music contents and high quality. in case you will acquire I one hundred% advise iTunes. thoroughly depended on by using me and sturdy whether you do not have an iPod.

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