
2008-02-17 7:48 am
要談論中國的文化,我認為應先討論節日。對於中國人來說,最重要的節日就是農曆新年了,因為這代表著新的一年的來臨,大家都感到興奮 ; 其他的節日都有不同的傳說。在飲食方面也是與別不同,中國人是用筷子吃飯 ; 而西方國家則會用刀和叉。而中國的藝術也有不同的種類,如武術有舞獅 ; 音樂有粵劇。

回答 (4)

2008-02-17 8:28 am
To discuss about the culture of China, I think that we should talk about the festival first. As a Chinese, the most important festival should be the Chinese New Year, since it represents the arrival of a new year, everyone will feel exciting;other festivals have different legends. The eating habits are also different from others, the Chinese use chopsticks to eat;but the Western countries use knive and fork.Also, the art of the Chinese has many kinds, for example, dancing lion,Guangdong opera. The culture in Chinese has a great variety, and it's also special.

2008-02-17 00:34:07 補充:
Sorry, I've done the proofreading, here's the corrections:1st line: ...about the festival first... festival-->festivals5th line: ...use knive and fork... knive-->knives fork-->forks
2008-02-17 8:06 am
When it comes to Chinese culture, I think that the first thing to be discussed is festival. To Chinese, the important festival is the Lunar New Year because it refers to the coming of a new year, and all people are excited about it. The different festivals have their different tales. The catering culture is also complete different from other countries: Chinese use chopsticks to have a meal whereas western countries use knives and forks. Furthermore, the Chinese arts have many different kinds too, such as martial sport, dancing lion and in music, there is an Chinese opera.
The Chinese culture really has many kinds and is very speical.
參考: myself
2008-02-17 8:00 am
Wants □□center □culture, I □□□first □□□date. □Yu
Zhong? the person □□, the most important □date was □□the new
year, because □□represented the new year □□, everybody felt
□□; Other □dates all have differently □□. Also is □□is
different in □the food aspect, center □the person is eats with the
chopsticks □; But the western □family □□uses the knife and the
fork. But center □□□also has differently □□, if military
□has the dance □; The sound □has □□. Center □the culture
really is are not many □□, moreover □is extremely □especially.
2008-02-17 7:57 am
Discuss Chinese the culture, I thought should first discuss the
holiday. As for the Chinese that, the most important holiday was the
lunar calendar new year, because this represented new year
approaching, everybody felt excited; Other holidays all have the
different fable. Also is with do not be different in the diet aspect,
the Chinese is eats meal with the chopsticks; But the western nation
can use the knife and the fork. But China's art also has the different
type, if the martial arts have the dance lion; The music has the
Guangdong opera. China's culture really is has numerous number,
moreover is extremely unique.
參考: Yahoo!翻譯工具

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