
2008-02-17 7:47 am
"make yourself at home"
"well-laid plan"
"raise a child"
"closed-circuit television"
"nutritionally skewed"
"limit their their time"
"so on an so forth"
"flee from"
"prevention is better than cure"
"surfing Internet"
既中文意思 唔該高人幫手

回答 (4)

2008-02-17 8:47 am
make yourself at home => 把這裡當是自己屋企
well-laid plan => POKER的獲勝方法
raise a child => 蒂小孩/養大和照顧小孩,抱含生兒育女的意思
closed-circuit television => 閉路電視
nutritionally skewed => 營養不衡
limit their time =>限制他們的時間
so on an so forth =>到處該止/單就那些來說
flee from => 避免
prevention is better than cure => 預防勝於治療
surfing Internet => 瀏覽互聯網

2008-02-17 00:52:00 補充:
well-laid plan = 令POKER的獲勝方法/令POKER的獲勝的事前計劃
2008-02-17 8:32 am
make yourself at home ---- 不要拘束!
well-laid plan ---- 提出得好的計劃
raise a child ---- 培養一個孩子
closed-circuit television ---- 閉路電視
nutritionally skewed ---- 營養不平均
limit their time ---- 限制他們的時間
so on and so forth ---- 等等
flee from ---- 逃離
prevention is better than cure ---- 預防勝於治療
surfing Internet ---- 上網
參考: 我
2008-02-17 8:23 am
"make yourself at home"
=你叫來訪的客人Make yourself (right) at home, 等於叫他不要客氣,像在他自己家一樣。

"well-laid plan" ...唔知

"raise a child"

"closed-circuit television"

"nutritionally skewed"

"limit their time"

"so on and so forth"
=etcetera (etc.), 等等,及其他等等

"flee from"

"prevention is better than cure"

"surfing Internet"

2008-02-17 00:26:32 補充:
"well-laid plan"=準備/安排充足的計劃
參考: me
2008-02-17 8:07 am
make yourself at home ----------------- 當此處是自己屋企
raise a child -------------------------------- 養大一個細路
so on an so forth (你打錯字 so on and so far)
flee from ------------------------------------- 由.......潰逃
prevention is better than cure ---------預防勝於治療
surfing Internet --------------------------- 在互聯網瀏覽

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