2008-02-17 7:38 am




下姐係點*_* 都係唔明..

回答 (2)

2008-02-20 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
有無玩過Black Magic, 例如Bang Bang Bang邊個死, aa有得賣 bb無得賣 呢類.
SNAPS都可以話係Black Magic一種. 其中一個方法係兩個識玩的人, 一個用彈手指SNAPS 同埋言語去表達一個英文字或詞. 然後另一個就講出個答案.咁其他人就估返個規則出黎, 即係d說話同彈手指點樣整到個答案出黎.
即係段片度, 你留意個女仔講的野, 同埋彈手指, 點樣同IRELAND扯上關係, 明左就可以試玩:
若果你係去度玩, 我可以俾頭兩關的答案你 (反白), 睇下你可唔可以從答案估到個規則:
第一關 LOVE

若果你真係想知個謎底, 可以去呢度, 講得好祥細:
2008-02-18 4:32 am
Are you bored at a party again already? Why don't you suggest a game of snaps? Do not know how to play? No problem! Just find someone who does. The whole point of the game is to lie, deceive, and figure out what the heck is going on. So what is a better way to start? Once you have this accomplished, you have mastered the game of snaps. No other place will be able to tell you much more than what is here.

Gather around and form a circle and let us play snaps. How do you play you might ask? That is for me to know and you to hopefully never find out. Literally, that is actually the entire point of playing snaps.
This game is very difficult to explain, because it is against the rules to tell anyone what is going on. Sound confusing? You have no idea. Snaps are a very old, trick game played at parties. It has been around for quite a while, but no one really knows how long the game Snaps have actually Olympians when they were training for the challenges. But to the Australian Mathematical Olympians the game went by another name, schnapps. Then, it was believed to be first played in America on Staten Island by a man named Timothy Goffered in the 90’s at a house party. Can you imagine the confusion at that party? It was probably existed. There are theories that say the game Snaps was started in Australia by Mathematical the talk of the block for many weeks to come. That was when the name was changes to snaps for convenience. Now, the game is widely popular among Navy Seals and other special operative branches of the United States government’s Armed Forces. It is a great way to build trust, loyalty, and discipline, and all from a game.
To be able to play the game, you must have at least two people who know what is going on and knows the rules, and a large number of people who are going to be tricked. The whole point of the game is for the people who have no idea what is going on to understand everything.
The rules to snaps is really simple, NEVR EVER give away really bug clues so that the tricked can figure out what is going on, and even more importantly NEVER give out the answer!
When someone thinks that they have everything figured out, they can only prove that they understand by playing the game the correct way. When you figure out what is going on you NEVER, I repeat NEVER say what it is out loud. That is a major no-no. If you were to do this the game would be over, and the people who heard you that didn’t know what was going on would never be able to play at that party again. Blurting out the answer is a very serious thing that is never done, even in a group of people who all know how to play. That is like committing Snaps social suicide.
Snaps is a game that is usually played in large groups, which means the more confusion the better the game. As members of the part of the group who know what is going on, you want to win. To win you must out smart the other people, and keep them from knowing the truth. Because once they know, it is all over in the deception department, and you are beaten at your own game.
So, the next time you are at a dull party ask if any one knows how to play snaps and wants to start a game. Even if you are not really sure how to play ask people who do if they want to play. This makes you look like you know what is going on and puts you already in the lead. You could always ask if one of them want to go first, so you do not make a fool of yourself. And remember, when you answer the riddle, do not shout the answer out loud, or you will be shunned by the snaps community!

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