extracts to make them more polite / positive

2008-02-17 2:27 am
extracts to make them more polite / positive

1.if you do not sent us the supporting documents, we are unable to proceed with the application.

2.you forgot to include the enclosures in your letter.

3.it is not our responsibility to handle your case. it should be dealt with by the social welfare department.

4.we are unable to consider your application inless you can give us more information about present employment.

回答 (1)

2008-02-17 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
extracts to make them more polite / positive
extracts to make them more polite / positive

1.if you do not sent us the supporting documents, we are unable to proceed with the application.
Please send your supporting documents for the processing of your application.
2.you forgot to include the enclosures in your letter.
Please be reminded of including the enclosures in your letter.
3.it is not our responsibility to handle your case. it should be dealt with by the social welfare department.
We regret to inform you that your case is beyond our scope of duties. Please contact the social welfare department.
4.we are unable to consider your application inless you can give us more information about present employment.
Please provide more information about your present employment, so that we can consider your application.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:16:18
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