想請問2歲半學彈琴, 那裏好

2008-02-16 8:48 pm
本人住荃灣, 想小女學彈琴, 請給我意見, thank you!

回答 (2)

2008-02-17 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be honest, 2.5 years old is too young. It is a waste of time, and money of couse. Instead, I think she can take some music playgroup first.
For girls, at least 3.5
For boys, at least 4
(i'm quite experienced in teaching kids music of very young ages (3.5+))

2008-02-28 09:03:20 補充:
There are music coruse for small kids at Parsons music and Tom Lee. Go to check quickly because usually you need to wait for months or even years for vacancy.
2008-02-17 5:01 am
I agree that she is too young, because,
her little finger can't even press down the key well.
參考: music teacher

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