
2008-02-16 6:16 pm
我喺一間有限公司度做會計的, 是不是每年都一定要同員工報稅? (夾埋我有兩個員工)
我剛來做不久, 但是我找不到以前這家公司有幫人報稅的紀錄. 難道可以不報的嗎?

回答 (5)

2008-02-16 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
According to the employer reporting requirement of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, the employer requires to report the remuneration of the employees for the financial year by filing the IR56A and IR56B form. But, if the employees' remuneration is under the standard deduction amount or HK$100,000, such employees are not required to file the IR56B. Also, if such employees are married or under part-time basis, the IR56B is required to file, even the amount is not over the $100,000..
Your case seems that the employee of your company is not over the $100,000, then no IR56B is file. I believe the auditor your company will remind such filing requirement.
2008-02-17 2:18 am
查下查去年的公司會計報表, 是否有薪金支出, 可能是以其他方法出數.
如果有薪金支出, 不可能無替員工報稅.
2008-02-17 12:19 am
一定要報, 在30/4/2008前要交到稅局, 是稅務條例.
報稅表是私人密件及私隱, 一定是鎖好, 你應該問另外一個同事, 是否有報稅.
2008-02-16 7:13 pm
1/. 每年於3月31日都需要填寫各職員的報稅表, 並且需交回報稅表副本給各職員留底.
2/. 可能公司會計師樓之前幫公司填寫報稅表, 所以你可能找不到紀錄.
參考: 從事會計師樓工作的我
2008-02-16 6:34 pm
to web sit :http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/taxes/taxfiling/filing/types.htm

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