Window xp and vista

2008-02-16 8:00 am
我前幾個月買左部新電腦, 係裝左Window Vista。我宜家想改裝返Window XP。我咁樣做會唔會好憨居? Window Vista係咪好快就會取代Window XP? 我平時用電腦只用一般文書同上網, 咁我用Vista好定Xp好呢?

另外, MS office 07真係好難用, 轉返03的話, 會唔會好快同外界隔絶?


我係買Dell原裝機的, 如果本身裝左Vista, 要轉返Xp得唔得架?係咪要加錢?

回答 (1)

2008-02-19 9:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try to reformat your computer and install the XP and MS office 03 back onto the computer.
However, BEFORE you reformat your PC, you will need to back up all the important files first or it will all be deleted. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!
參考: me

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