Why most of the sucessful people r so rude?

2008-02-15 5:26 pm

回答 (10)

2008-02-15 5:35 pm
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Because polite people don't get ahead. You have to be a @sshole to become successful
2008-02-15 5:38 pm
I know a lot of very succesful people and non that I know are rude at all!
2008-02-16 5:14 am
Hum.... I do not agree at all with that statement, because I know many very successful and wealthy people. They are no more "rude" than the homeless guy begging for money on the street.

I will say, that they have no tolerance for stupidity or time wasting games, but I see nothing wrong with that.
2008-02-15 7:50 pm
You mean wealthy ppl? Their success has probably gone to their heads. A certain belligerence is needed to get ahead.
2008-02-15 7:18 pm
what is your meaning of rude!
sometimes i have seen people think someone who doesn't sugar coat something being called rude!

I have seen nice sugar coaters who are sucessfull and other ones who are too busy to think of anice way to say something so they just say it....

i guess i would need mroe info
2008-02-15 6:37 pm
thats just power gone to their head!!
2008-02-15 6:36 pm
Maybe because they're used to getting they're own way
2008-02-15 6:02 pm
They are rude cause they want to show to people that how powerful they are. However, most of those people are lonely inside of their heart. They won't show it outside. But inside of their heart is lonely even tho u see that person have alot friends. How do i know? cause i knew some sucessful people, so i had experience that.
2008-02-15 5:41 pm
why do you expect people to be nice to you?
2008-02-15 5:37 pm
Who says they are?

There are a lot of frustrated and bitter underachievers/also rans who can be VERY rude...especially to those who are visibly successful.

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