
2008-02-16 6:43 am

回答 (6)

2008-02-17 3:53 am
澳洲首都 - 坎培拉
澳洲首都旅遊 花園都市坎培拉簡介 Canberra

坎培拉是澳洲的首都,位於澳洲東南部的雪梨與墨爾本之間,座落於貝利吉芬湖畔. 在西元1912年時,美國芝加哥有名建築師葛里芬(Walter Burley Griffin)所設計的完整都市計畫圖, 在澳洲新都市設計比賽中拔得頭籌. 澳洲政府以此設計圖開始將坎培拉規劃成一個花園城市,從空中鳥瞰可看到各類幾何圖形,設計精妙, 看過的人無不讚嘆. 其城市設計是世界公認的成功典範.

後來由於經過了經濟蕭條與兩次世界大戰使坎培拉的發展腳步慢了下來,但隨著時間的流逝,當年葛里芬的傑作就成為今天寧靜而有姿色的坎培拉, 到處都是公園和花園. 人口雖然只有三十萬, 卻是舉世知名的國際都市, 風情萬種, 素有「花園都市」的美譽.

澳洲坎培拉 一城山色半城湖
坎培拉樹林青蔥,風景宜人, 周圍遍佈著澳洲最引人入勝的鄉村, 與澳洲的其他城市比起來, 的確是個與眾不同的城市. 寬敞的, 規劃良好的街道, 令人難忘的現代化建築,以及自然環境都是坎培拉明顯的優勢. 「一城山色半城湖」是坎培拉的最佳寫照

坎培拉也是全國的展覽場, 城中的藝廊, 博物館, 圖書館體育學院, 科技學院….,都展示了澳洲最優秀的一面. 坎培拉的設施都是配合周圍的環境, 使附近的空間都能夠充份的利用. 城市周圍都是山脈河流,加上溫暖的夏天和涼爽的冬天, 使到訪的遊客得以享受豐富的戶外活動.

澳洲首都特區 - 簡介
人口 :三十萬八千人
面積 :二千三百六十平方公里
建立 : 1911年
首都 :坎培拉
平均氣溫 :冬季4℃,夏季28℃
2008-02-16 8:55 pm
2008-02-16 9:54 am
Canberra 坎培拉,離Sydney3個鐘車程(向南行)
2008-02-16 7:21 am

Essential Canberra facts at a glance – including information for international visitors.

About 325,000 people live in Canberra.

Canberra is located in the Australian Capital Territory, which is surrounded by New South Wales. The city is 150 kilometres inland and 571 metres above the Pacific Ocean, 281 kilometres from Sydney and 660 kilometres from Melbourne.
Located on the ancient lands of the Indigenous Ngunnawal people, Canberra’s name is thought to mean ‘meeting place’, derived from the Aboriginal word Kamberra. European settlers first came in the 1830s, and the area was chosen for the federal capital in 1908. Canberra’s special contrast of nature and urban living was planned in 1912 by master designer, Walter Burley Griffin, a Chicago architect who won an international design competition. The provisional Parliament House was opened in 1927 in what was then a treeless paddock. For more information on Canberra’s history, visit www.nationalcapital.gov.au.

Public holidays
New Year's Day – Tuesday 1 January
Australia Day – Monday 28 January
Canberra Day – Monday 10 March
Good Friday – 21 March
Easter Saturday – 22 March
Easter Monday – 24 March
Anzac Day – Friday 25 April
Queen's Birthday – Monday 9 June
Labour Day – Monday 6 October
Family & Community Day – Tuesday 4 November
Christmas Day – Thursday 25 December
Boxing Day – Friday 26 December

The national capital’s four distinctive seasons, each with their own beauty and charm, make Canberra a rare treat amongst Australian cities. Canberra’s wonderful seasons turn the city into a kaleidoscope of colour throughout the year.

Spring is truly glorious. The city bursts into colour as the trees reveal their spring blooms and the regional vineyards awaken with the first bud bursts. You can expect moderately fresh mornings, bright sunny days and brisk nights.

Summer offers endless opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors, especially ojn Lake Burley Griffin where plenty of water sports and activities await. The days are warm to hot, with plenty of sunshine and little humidity and are followed by mild balmy nights.

Autumn is a delight as the city’s parks and gardens take on a special appeal. Canberra’s stunning landscape changes as leaves of red, gold, russet, ochre and crimson emerge and are balanced by the soft greys and greens of native eucalyptus and coniferous trees alongside them. The season is blessed with cool nights and warm days.

Winter is the perfect time to snuggle up in front of a fire with a big glass of cool climate red wine. The nights and early mornings are brisk, but frosts and occasional fog generally clear to striking sunny days, so you can still get pleasure out of bike riding and walks by the lake on the cool fresh days.
2008-02-16 7:08 am
2008-02-16 6:49 am


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