F.1數學一問,,急! 唔該,, {10分}

2008-02-16 4:43 am
write down the next three terms of each of the following sequences.

a) 5,9,13,17,...
b) 1,7,13,19,...
c) 2,11,20,29,...
d) 4,9,14,19,...
f) 3,6,12,24,...

我就係唔識呢d問題,,幫我解答丫唔該,,thz t3t
用英文答wo,,thx =["

回答 (3)

2008-02-16 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) 5,9,13,17,........21,25,29
b) 1,7,13,19,........25,31,37
c) 2,11,20,29,......38,47,56
d) 4,9,14,19,........24,29,34
f) 3,6,12,24,.........48,96,192
2008-02-16 5:10 am
a) 21,25,29 b) 25,31,37 c) 38,47,56 d) 24,29,34 e) 80,160,240 f ) 48,96,192
參考: me
2008-02-16 4:57 am
a) 21,25,29 [4n+1]
b) 25,31,37 [6n+1]
c) 38,47,56 [9n-7]
d) 24,29,34 [5n-1]
e) 80,160,240
f ) 48,96,192

2008-02-15 23:29:39 補充:
a) 21,25,29 [4n 1]b) 25,31,37 [6n 1]c) 38,47,56 [9n-7]d) 24,29,34 [5n-1]e) 80,160,320 [5nxn] f ) 48,96,192 [3nxn]

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