
2008-02-16 3:58 am
Had Peter so desired, his children would have stop what they were doing to be with him.

回答 (4)

2008-02-16 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
This sentence is written as Inversion:

Conditional clauses

In formal English, the if clause in conditional sentences can be rephrased through inversion:

Had we known what the weather would be like, we wouldn't have come = If we had known what …

So your sentence is : If Peter had desied, his children would have stop what they were doing to be with him.
2008-02-16 5:55 am
This sentence is written as Inversion (conditional clauses), which is mainly used in formal English.

This sentence means ' If Peter had desired, his children would have stop what they were doing to be with him.’
2008-02-16 4:10 am
The sentence is equal to " If Peter wants his children to stop working on their work and play with him, he can do that."
2008-02-16 4:05 am
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