魔間傳奇(I Am Legend)劇情有何進步之處?[20分]

2008-02-16 1:42 am

頭果段係訪問一個自稱可以完全醫治cancer既權威 即交代cancer疫苗既副作用引致dark seekers既出現(更令變種病毒可經空氣傳播) 而dark seekers同變種病毒就令ny變左死城 得返有免疫力既主角唔走而且冇比dark seekers殺死 用黎交代主角故事既背景 另外,唔該唔好copy d資料答問題 咁只會表示你冇心/唔夠料答


tseckroy, You may be right! But I'm not asking how to increase the earnings. I'm asking the plot for learning,but not economical.


tseckroy, You may be right! But I am not asking how to increase the earnings. I am asking the plot for learning,but not economical. I am sorry that it can not use informal language(short form)...

回答 (2)

2008-02-18 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Need a better ending;
2. Need a beautiful heroine, should be sexy and cool!
3. Need more car chase and blood!
4. Need more 'Die Hard' type dialogue for Will Smith;
5. Some nudity ans sex scene;
6. Need an middle aged Hollywood 甘草 sch as Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken or Al Pacino.
Then, the gross earning will be increase 15-20%. Right?

2008-02-18 15:39:10 補充:
For Hollywood blockbuster - with famous novel and back up of TWO classic movies, story line is not so important! The main point is to market and package the movie!!

2008-02-20 11:01:02 補充:
Right, I'm admit that the plot is not as perfect as we wish.However, it's not an easy job to retell a classic movie. Invaders and Pyscho are 2 significant examples.Invaders run out of track and cannot conclude logically.Psycho just a copy with less changes.
2008-02-16 2:08 am
加了票價的《魔間傳奇》,片長只有約一百分鐘。 ...


羅拔紐維爾(韋史密夫 飾演)是一位天才橫溢的科學家,但他也控制不到一種無法控制、無法治療的人造病毒。不知何故,他對這種病毒卻神奇地擁有免疫能力,他發現自己成為紐約市唯一生存的人,甚至可能是全世界最後一個倖存者。

導演 : 法蘭斯羅倫斯
演員 : 韋史密夫
片長 : 96 分鐘
級數 : IIB
語言 : 英語 (中文字幕)


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