頭果段係訪問一個自稱可以完全醫治cancer既權威 即交代cancer疫苗既副作用引致dark seekers既出現(更令變種病毒可經空氣傳播) 而dark seekers同變種病毒就令ny變左死城 得返有免疫力既主角唔走而且冇比dark seekers殺死 用黎交代主角故事既背景 另外,唔該唔好copy d資料答問題 咁只會表示你冇心/唔夠料答
tseckroy, You may be right! But I'm not asking how to increase the earnings. I'm asking the plot for learning,but not economical.
tseckroy, You may be right! But I am not asking how to increase the earnings. I am asking the plot for learning,but not economical. I am sorry that it can not use informal language(short form)...