
2008-02-16 1:22 am
plz help me la~~~

回答 (5)

2008-02-27 3:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there is no shortcut, u have to work hard
2008-02-16 2:10 am
work hard
always practice
do more exercise
read more adout Endlish 's books
Remind : work hard................
Wish you can success
2008-02-16 1:59 am
最簡單,最直接的方法是看英文電視節目,但要看得聰明點,盡可能找些有英文字幕,而不是中文字幕的節目看,這樣能同時鍛鍊你的聽和說的能力,所以才能真正學到英文。當然最初會有一定難度,但一段時間後相信就能適應。多看英文書當然亦是個不錯的選擇,但如果書本的內容太深,不明白的生字太多,令你要花大部份時間來查字典,這樣反而弄巧成拙,試試找些較容易明白的故事書,例如 Harry Potter,很容易代入,即使有部份生字不明白也能猜出內容。最後當然是多寫,透過不斷的練習令自己不斷進步。當你寫完之後,還可以大聲朗讀,這樣你的耳朵也能為你找出錯處,同時鍛鍊,讀,寫和聽。

If your sentence sounds funny, it probably is wrong. Those are a few things you can do to improve your English, and I personally think they're all good to try. But again, different people have different standards and different preferences, I can't tell you which one is the best, I tried them all, but watch tv and practice writing works for me best. Good luck
參考: Personal Experience
2008-02-16 1:32 am
參考: 自己....
2008-02-16 1:30 am

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