Relative clauses&ing/ed clsuses

2008-02-16 1:17 am
Relative clauses 有2types(defining同non-defining)唔知幾時用邊隻...
e.g My office that is on the second floor is very small.
e.g The sun that is one of millions of stars in the universe provides us with heat and lght.
e.g The doctor that examined me couldnt find anything wrong.

-ing/-ed clauses
e.g. Somebody called/calling Jack phoned while you were out.
e.g. The waiting room was empty except for a young man sit/sitting by the window reading/read a magazine.

回答 (1)

2008-02-16 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
defining 與 non-defining 分別?
知佢嘜誰(即名)如Mary Alan 就係non-defining,記得加comma
不知佢嘜誰如man,girl 就係defining,不用加comma

Relative Clause (non-defining - 知佢嘜誰) 係子句放入主句內你要描述的noun後面
(Mary) is my girlfriend. She is the prettiest girl in class.
Mary, who is the prettiest girl in class, is my girlfriend. (2 comma)
子句插係主句中間,要2 個comma
I love (Mary). She is the prettiest girl in class.
I love Mary, who is the prettiest girl in class. (1 comma)
子句插係主句尾,只要1 個comma

My office that is on the second floor is very small.
The sun, that is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and lght.
The doctor that examined me couldnt find anything wrong.

Participle phrase 做法
(1) Present Tense/ Past Tense
(a) Active 變成ing (如play/played 變成playing)
(b) Passive 變成 p.p. / being p.p. (如is/was amazed 變成 amazed / being amazed )
2) Present Perfect Tense/ Past Perfect Tense
(a) Active 變成 having + p.p. (如 has/had played 變成having played)
(b) Passive 變成 having + been + p.p. (如 has/had been played 變成having been played)

-ing/-ed clauses又係唔知幾時用邊隻...
Somebody (CALLING) Jack phoned while you were out.
The waiting room was empty except for a young man (SITTING) by the window (and)(READING) a magazine.

2008-02-16 09:22:51 補充:
打錯字 (更正)Somebody (CALLED) Jack phoned while you were out.原句 Somebody was called Jack. Somebody phoned while you were out.

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