a maths!!

2008-02-16 1:02 am
1. prove the identity
( cos^2Θ-sinΘcosΘ+tanΘ)/(cos^2Θ+sinΘcosΘ-tanΘ)=(1+tan^3Θ)/1-tan^3Θ)
2.if cosΘ and cosecΘ are the roots of the equation 3x^2+hx-1=0 , where π/2<Θ<π , find the value of h and leave your ans in surd form
3.if sinΘ and ocsΘ are the two roots of the equation kx^2-4x+3=0 , find the possible value of k
4. if Θis an obtuse angle and the equation in x 3x^2-(4cosΘ)x+2sinΘ=0
has equal roots, find the value of Θ

回答 (2)

2008-02-16 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
As follows~


2008-02-17 19:56:25 補充:
參考: ME
2008-02-21 12:28 am

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