陳冠希事件 - plot or accident?

2008-02-15 10:18 pm
Does anyone else think the whole incident is a plot by Ying Wong gone wrong?

回答 (2)

2008-02-15 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你真的相信....有那麼多女星會喜歡 陳冠希 嗎?
他可以 一腳踏那麼多船 而女星們又互相接納 嗎?

供女星『接客用 』的寫真資料。

2008-02-20 10:04 am
This is not a plot from Ying Wong. This is against Ying Wong.

There has always been a myth that all celebrities at Ying Wong must spend time with clients. This just prooves it.

Yes G, does not look stoned/pissed but did she have a choice.

What options does she have.

The whole incident is really to attack Mr Yeung and G & B and the others are just victims who didn't have any choice in the first place.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:22:32
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