
2008-02-15 9:31 pm




はたして決勝戦の行方は? 駆の想いは? 歌との関係はいったいどうなる!?


回答 (2)

2008-02-16 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

有一天, 又到了上學的時間. 平常我都和阿驅和阿潤一起, 今天阿驅卻不在, 聽說是為了田徑大會去練習了. 為了被選中, 聽說他頗為努力.
下課後, 阿驅二話不說又去幹田徑部. 真是用功得不得了.
其實, 阿驅拼命要在田徑大會勝出有他的理由......

另一方面, 阿歌就沒有甚麼勁兒了. 以前, 還担心阿驅會生她的氣.
這時, 正在練習田徑的阿驅闖進來, 只講了一句: 來田徑大會看我吧! 阿歌只感到奇怪.

到了田徑大會那天, 從場內的工作人員得知道了阿驅的情況.
他以比美明星選手戶橋的時間完成100公尺賽跑, 通過了預賽!

終於到了決賽. 戶橋選手因為阿驅的成績也感到緊張.
他正為不願輸給阿驅而鼓勵自己時, 熟悉的KUROMI出現了, 施展了惡夢魔法, 整個運動場變成了公仔運動會!

決賽怎樣進行啊? 阿驅怎麼想了? 和阿歌的關係又怎樣發展呢?
2008-02-15 9:38 pm
A school-hours of the morning. Yun-wheel drive and are always together, but today there is no ejection. Now anything, the competition is part of a land out for the morning practice. Apparently, elected representatives and heard my best. Also go to after-school clubs first ejection.はりきっto burning. Actually, ejection is desperate to win the competition was the reason. It….

Meanwhile, the song is bloodless. Before, offend-wheel drive was in the mood. Meanwhile, ejection is the practice in the middle of a song to the Games come to see me, and tell just one word. TOMADOU song.

And on the day of competition.駆は、あちこちからスカウトの話が来ている、エースの戸橋選手と同タイムで100メートル走の予選を通過した!

Finally finals. Unexpected performance wither door ejection of the bridge.負けたくないejection to the feeling grew when the well-known Mi Clos comes with the enchanted nightmare. And the whole stadium to stadium Bac! !

Will it final outcome? The ejection thoughts? What is the relationship between song and what happens! ?

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