
2008-02-15 8:05 pm
此文件在2月1日經已由Janine H簽收了,請查核。

回答 (4)

2008-02-15 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The document was received & signed by Ms. Janine H. on Feb. 01st.
Please double check.
2008-02-15 8:55 pm
Please be informed that the document was signed receipt by Janie H on Feb 1st. Please check to confirm.
2008-02-15 8:25 pm
此文件在2月1日經已由Janine H簽收了,請查核。
This document has been acknowledge receipted and signed by Janine H on 1st Feb 2008. Kindly check & advise.
參考: SELF
2008-02-15 8:13 pm
Please check to see that this document has already been taken by signature of Janine H on 1 st Februray.

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