
2008-02-15 7:40 pm
"我的腦不能不止想念你" 英文係咩呀?
即係類似can't take my eyes off you 咁浪漫少少 >

回答 (4)

2008-02-15 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can't get you out of my head.
參考: one of Kylie's song
2008-02-15 8:11 pm
"我的腦不能不止想念你" 英文係咩呀?
I just can't stop thinking about you.

我提供多一點選擇, 希望你喜歡 :

You are always on my mind
你的倩影, 總是在我的腦際盪漾著

I dream about you every night

How can I suppose to live without you.
如果看不到妳, 我真的不曉得怎麼可以活下去 !
2008-02-15 7:56 pm
You are at the bottom of my heart, I can't forget you no matter how hard I tried.......
2008-02-15 7:47 pm
1.I can't stop miss/think you.

2.I can't stop my brain to miss/think you.
參考: Believe me!

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