
2008-02-15 7:02 pm


回答 (7)

2008-02-15 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to say the thief had hidden in somewhere and finally俾人搵到,then it's :
'The police finally found the student who has stolen the lady's purse/wallet'

如果你想講d police finally知道邊個偷野,咁it should be:
'the police finally found out who was the student who has stolen the lady's wallet.

But there was no money left in it./but the wallet's empty.
參考: /
2008-02-15 8:20 pm

At last! The police caught the naughty student who stole the lady's purse. However, when Ady got back her/his purse, he/she found that there is actually no money in it!
2008-02-15 8:01 pm
警方終於找到偷lady銀包的坏學生:The police finally finds steal a lady silver package of bad student

警方終於找到偷lady銀包的坏學生:But the money bag don't has money.

Ady拿回銀包後發現銀包裹面冇曬錢 :Ady has the money bag but do not has money.

2008-02-15 12:05:28 補充:
警方終於找到偷lady銀包的坏學生:Finally,The police finds steal a lady silver package of bad student
參考: me
2008-02-15 7:38 pm
The police finally and steal student broken who silver make at last .

But ady find there is not money after bringing the silver bag back in the silver bag .
參考: 我自己
2008-02-15 7:18 pm
1)Finally, the policeman find the bad student who steal the lady's wallet.
2)But, the wallet has no money.
參考: me
2008-02-15 7:14 pm
The police finally find steal a lady silver package of bad student


But the silver wraps the surface to expose to the sun the money
2008-02-15 7:07 pm
The police finally got the bad student who stole the lady's wallet.

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