What are some of the most dangerous animals that are native to Australia?

2008-02-15 12:50 am

回答 (3)

2008-02-15 1:31 pm
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Kangaroos (they can literally kick you to death, though rarely)
We have many of the world's most venomous snakes,
We have poisonous spiders like the Redback and the Funnel Web
We have the box jellyfish (okay, not technically an animal as such), and probably the world's deadliest jellyfish
We have many poisonous fish, and shellfish.
The Platypus is a poisonous mammal, but rarely to humans.
We have drop-bears that fall from trees and eat your brains.
We have humans, and they can be a bit dangerous.
The last two are not fair dinkum! The rest are.
2008-02-15 9:05 am
uhhh snakes?
they have a bigger snake population than they do a eople population. i think it is something stupid like 2-3 snakes to evey person
2008-02-15 9:00 am
Spiders, Snake Fish and Salt Water Crocodiles but the one that is destroying the most lives and the country is Humans

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