i lost contact with my husband, can i file a divorce?

2008-02-14 1:41 pm
i left my husband in Frebuary 2006 because of the domestic violence.since then we didn't have any contact.i don't know where he is.the solisitor said my divorce wil b complicate. what can i do?i need divorce for resident card
i am an asia.came here with my oldest daughter in2003.i gave birth my 2nd daughter in 2003 and 3rd daughter in 2005.
my husband adict in gambling.he spent his income and benefits on gamble.he didn't pay for rent.we evicted from private landlord n moved to homeless during 2003 to 2004.then we got a council flat but he hadn'tpaid the rent and council tax.we got evict warning letters.i told him to pay for them but he refused and hit me.he told me the government wouldn't evit us because we've 3kids.
he only gave £20 a week to bought food for kids. when i asked him more money to buy food he beat me. when my 2nd was a baby she always not got enough milk.i fed her water.he never bought our kids toys,christmas and birthday presents. he just used the kids to got benefit

回答 (9)

2008-02-14 1:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
YES you need a Lawyer to find him.
2016-12-30 11:03 am
there is not any regulation that demands him to document for divorce. He can stay married to you, and stay one by one. He does not notwithstanding have any rights to rigidity you to bypass out. the homestead you're living in is marital assets...its basically as lots yours as that is his. If he needs you out, he needs to document for divorce and ask the prefer to award him the homestead when you consider which you do not have a task. in any different case, you may document for divorce and get on with issues.
2008-02-14 1:51 pm
as far as I am aware if you cant find him after 7 years you can be granted a divorce not sure what you could do in the meen time sorry good luck
2008-02-14 1:50 pm
I don't know where you live but I would suggest that initially you go and see the citizens advice bureau as(CAB) it sounds as though you need help to sort out your financies as well. They will be able to make an appointment for you to get free advice from the CAB solicitor.

You will find the CAB phone number in your local phone book or library. Good luck x
2008-02-14 1:49 pm
Try doing a people search in your country. In the US we use peoplesearch.com, I'm sorry I don't know much about your country and your resources in terms of locating someone. Basically what I'm trying to say is that in my country it's called peoplesearch.com and in your country it could be a different website altogether.

If you have his social security you can also run a back ground check....

Good luck!
2008-02-14 1:48 pm
If you know your husbands social security number, they should be able to find him. If you went to social services and applied for help, they take it from there and turn his butt over to child support. You'll get help that way to feed your little ones. Just keep your head high and look out for you and your kids.
2008-02-14 1:47 pm
Can't you find out where he is (what city) and find him through the phone book or council or something? Can't your lawyer trace him?
2008-02-14 1:47 pm
if you cant find your husband than you swear an affidavit in the court setting out the efforts you have made. you can seek an order allowing you to serve papers by way of advertisement in a national paper circulated in the jurisdiction where you believe your husband resides. Thereafter everything should follow the usual course
2008-02-14 1:45 pm
You need to know your husband's address to file for divorce.
Your solicitor should help you find him. If you are on benefits you can get legal aid so you wont have to pay.

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