Probability Question[2]

2008-02-15 6:57 am
If Roy leves Alice a message saying that they will see each other at the bus-stop tomorrow, the probabilty that they will meet at the bus-stop tomorrow is 3 / 4 ; otherwise, the probailty that they will not meet at the bus-stop tomorrow is 9 / 10 .If the probability for Roy to leave Alice such a message today is 2 / 3, find the probability that they will meet at the bus-stop tomorrow.
A. 1 / 2
B. 3 / 4
C. 8 / 15
D. 17 /20

Q.2 If two letters are selceted from the word 'FLOOR' randomly, hwat is the probabilty that they can form the word 'OR' A. 13 / 20 B. 1 / 5 C. 4 / 25 D. 1 / 10

回答 (2)

2008-02-15 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
If Roy leves Alice a message saying that they will see each other at the bus-stop tomorrow, the probabilty that they will meet at the bus-stop tomorrow is 3 / 4 ; otherwise, the probailty that they will not meet at the bus-stop tomorrow is 9 / 10 .If the probability for Roy to leave Alice such a message today is 2 / 3, find the probability that they will meet at the bus-stop tomorrow.
Using total probability
The answer is C
If two letters are selceted from the word 'FLOOR' randomly, hwat is the probabilty that they can form the word 'OR'
The probability
The answer is D

2008-02-15 11:59:05 補充:
2008-02-15 7:12 am
p(Roy to leave Alice such a message x they will meet at the bus-stop tomorrow )+
p(Roy not to leave Alice such a message x they will meet at the bus-stop tomorrow )
so c

Q.2 p(the frist word is O x the second word is R)+p(the frist word is R x the second word is O)
so b
參考: 一個就快會考的人

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