有兩條問題關於Conc. sulphuric acid

2008-02-15 2:23 am
問題1 : Which of the following is a reason for conc. sulphuric acid being corrosive to skin?
A. It is a strong acid
B. The concentration of hydrogen ion is very high
C. It removes water from the skin
D. It removes carbon from the skin
答案是c, 我想問為何不是b?

唔該, 我想問下咩叫conc. sulphuric acid high affinity to water . 另外, conc.HCl亦是corrosive的, 那麼corrosive和dehydrating agent, 有咩關係? 甚麼東西決定corrosive, 和甚麼東西決定那東西是否dehydrating agent?

回答 (3)

2008-02-16 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

Conc. sulphuric acid
通常 1M + 先叫做 conc. sulphuric acid
pH 通常都差唔多 1 or even <1
假如用 pH= -log [H+] 計算
[H+] = 0.1 moldm^-3
你話個 conc 高唔高 ?! (水係 25 度係 1.0 X 10^-7 moldm^-3)

+ 真正答案 +
其實果位人兄錯唔哂 ~
corrosive 係因為 conc. sulphuric acid high affinity to water 的緣故
(所以 conc. sulphuric acid 係 strong dehydrating agent)
不過詳細原因我唔記得佐 = ="
參考: AL Chemistry
2008-05-17 7:50 pm

好明顯腐蝕性不並是由[H+]去決定, 是與物質化學性質有關
2008-02-15 2:45 am
for concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, it is very corrosive, but the concentration

of hydrogen ion is very low! Therefore, the corrosive nature of a substance does not

depend on the concentration of hydrogen ion.

the answer is C. it removes water from skin.

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