知道沒有入大學的能力, 但仍好大壓力?

2008-02-15 1:22 am
AL將近, 雖然知道自己沒有入大學的能力,

但仍然有壓力, 為什麼? 來自哪裡的? 不太明白..


回答 (4)

2008-02-15 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
咩都唔好諗, 免得越諗越驚, 最大o既敵人其實就只有自己, 你應該話比你自己聽, 你係挑戰緊過去o既自己, 唔係同其他人鬥叻, 就算係少少的進步都係一個進步, 因為累績一個個小成功, 就會變成一個大成功, 唔好睇人, 要睇自己, 同人比較, 你覺得自己好, 就會輕敵, 覺得人o地差, 就會自滿, 最好就係認清自己實際o既狀況, 唔好睇高, 或者睇低自己, 人有無限個可能性, 你唔努力過, 又點知自己唔得呢, 況且考好佢, 冇壞ga, 報第二o的野讀, 或者求職都易o的, 照計你應該會知道自己o既實力去到邊, 你係唔係都要考, 點解唔出盡全力考好佢, 無論咩結果你都係要面對, 你預計個成績唔靚仔, 就要趁依家去改變歷史, 就算唔係好標青, 都唔好太差, 因為個成績要見人, 同埋對自己都總要有個交代, 如果唔係呢兩年入面, 你讀o左o的咩, 點解當初要升中六?
2008-02-15 1:51 am
2008-02-15 1:42 am
keep up the positive attitude, i graduate university still finding job, gradate as not mean anything, there are other facts too, like luck, connection and personality.

i LOVE sport but there are not may things u can do with this subjects.

don't think too deep try get some part time job and see what field u feel comfortable then plan.

maybe just go to night school or training for a profession is better that going to university la???

u might be the next 李家誠﹐ who knows?
2008-02-15 1:39 am
I believe that even though you said you don't think that you are capable to enter the university, however, still you want to go. You don't want to give up at the moment and I'm sure that you should not. No one knows how far or how good he/she can do without actually facing a challenge.

For now, you have no other important things to do but to sit the examination. Just do it and try your best. If you know that you are doing your best, as a revenue for all your offort you put through since your P.1 education, what to afraid and what to worry?

You'll feel sorry if you give up at this moment and will feel regret for your whole life onwards.

One last sentence - you have nothing to lose, right? Sandy

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