
2008-02-15 12:53 am
Money placed in special red envelops,lai see,and given as gifts is known as lucky money.It is a very prominent part od Chinese culture;and is given as a gift on many occasions.

At Lunar New Year it is given by married peo-ple to their own children,and to all unmarried children of relatives and friends.If a person goes to a friend's home to visit during the days of the celebration of the New Year,


and there is someone else visiting in the home who has children,even though he does not know them,he must also give lucky money to these children,though less than that given to friends and relatives.


If a person does not give lucky money,people will say,"Oh,this person does not have lucky money."Saying this is supposed to bring bad luck to the person.


前面補充那三個系第二段,第三段:The amount of lucky money given,of course,depends on the family's financial situation.Some people will put $50,$100,or even $500 in each envelope.But this is rare;usually large amounts are only given to one's own children or kai chil-dren.The average amount given is $20.


第四段“The customs of north and south China are dife-ferent regarding giving lucky money.In the north married couples give one envelops together.In the south a couple gives two envelopes,


less money is put in each envelope they might put in $20,whereas,if they each give an envelope they would only put $10 in each one.


5:The amounts given are different depending on closeness of relationship,so envelopes with differ-ent amounts must be prepared,Nieces and neph-ews might be given $50,friends'children $20,and children of casual acquaintances $10.


6:When visiting in homes at New Year,hostess gifts are taken,and lucky money is given in re-turn for the gift.Also,luckey money is given in return for any gift given for festivals,weddings,birthdays,or to a sick person.


For ordinary visits to homes when hostess gofts are taken,no lucky money is given.


7:If invited to a home yo eat,and a servant cooks the meal,lucky money should be given to the servant.At New Year,even if a meal is not eaten in the home,but the servant serves tea,lucky money should be given to her.More moeny is given when a meal is served than when only tea is served.


8:Lucky money is also given to building guards,caretakers,and garbage collectors.At present the usual amount to given is $10 or $20,and this is given especially at New Year and the Mid-Au-tumn Festival.


9:Some Chinese people always carry lai see with them.For instance,a person might be invited to dinner without being told it is someone's birthday,he can then put some money in the en-velope and give it to the honoree.


10:When out-of-colony relatives or friends come to visit,if it is not convenient to bring a gift,they often given lucky money instead.It is usually given to the children,but the parents know it is really a hostess gift.




問題: 1 In paragraph 1,what is 'lai see'? 2 In paragraph 1,what is lucky money? 3 In paragraph 2,if a married person goes to a friend's home,what must he/she do? 4 In paragraph 3,if a person does not give lucky money,what will happen to them?


5 In paragraph 3,what is the average amount of lucky money? 6 In paragraph 4,how many envelopes should be given in north China? 7 In paragraph 4,how many envelopes should be given in south China?


8 In paragraph 7,if invited to a home to eat,and a servant cooks the meal,what is given to the servant? 9 In paragraph 8,how much 'lucky money' can building guards,caretakers,and garbage collectors get? 10 In paragraph 10,if it is not convenient to bring a gift,what do people do?



回答 (4)

2008-02-15 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
lai see is our Chinese Sole-Tradition "In public" to give money to our favourite person and hope to bring good luck to him/her.

Red-colour is a lucky colour reputation in CHinese, money in red-packet means lucky accompanied.

To give out Lai See to the friend's not-maried children, usually second generation of the friend.

Usually the person will be blamed by the children..

20 dollars

1 envelope

2 envelopes

Also Lai See given to the servant.

Usually $10 or $20 and not more than 2 envelopes.

Give Lai See instead of gift.

Hope can help..
2008-02-15 1:10 am
篇野講來講去都係利是JA MA..

咁JA MA........
2008-02-15 12:59 am

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