
2008-02-14 11:44 pm

回答 (2)

2008-02-15 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
pH value 可以同溫度有關...
Please looking below acid equilibrium system:
HA (aq) + H2O (l) ↔ A─ + H3O+ △H is positive value
HA is a strong acid
A─ is anion
H3O+ is hydroxonium ions
△H is enthalpy change (energy change)

The forward reaction is enothermic(吸熱的) reaction,
When temperature increases, the equilibrium position will shifts to right to form more A─ and H3O+ ions. Because the forward reaction is energetically(能學) favourable at higher temperature.
So, the concentration of H3O+ will increases when the temperature increases.
Thus, the pH value will decreases when more H3O+ is formed

The temperature decreases, the forward reaction is not favourabe and the concentration of H3O+ will decreases.
Therefore, the pH value increases when less H3O+ is formed.

只要一個酸鹼反應係涉及一個dynamic equilibrium, pH 值 就會同溫度掛拘.

I hope my answer can help you.

參考: 自己
2008-02-15 12:05 am
pH係計酸鹼度,用1-14黎分,1係最酸,14係最鹼...多數會用pH paper,pH metre黎量度,pH metre多數用黎度d有顏色ge液體ge酸鹼度 就算佢係熱定凍都唔會影響到佢ge pH值的

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