
2008-02-14 8:12 pm
將[活在當下]及[努力總有回報(可否譯作hard work can get your reward)?]譯作英文點譯?

回答 (3)

2008-02-14 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[活在當下]- Living under the (讀thi or Dee) situation.
努力總有回報 - It pays for the hard working. (hard work can get your reward也可以, 但英語多以pay解作回報)
參考: SELF

活在當下:Lives in immediately
努力總有回報:Diligently always has the repayment

2008-02-14 16:39:23 補充:
我係yahoo的CLEVER PEN 譯的,絕對冇錯!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-02-14 10:31 pm
活在當下---living for the instant moment
努力總有回報-----Rewards always come after endeavour.

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