Proof reading

2008-02-14 7:04 pm
Check this sentence. Is it either wrong or right? if it is wrong, correct it please.

Yesterday is the day that a test of microeconomic, which including 15 marks. I had prepared for test in previously one day.

回答 (3)

2008-02-14 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的意思是要為該句子做proof read? 定係要幫你整靚句野呀??

如果proof read 的話...真係唔知點改喇....d grammar...-_-"
整靚句子的話, 我會咁寫↓
There was a microeconomics test, yesterday. The test included 15 marks.
I have prepared for the test on the previous day.

2008-02-14 7:18 pm
I got a microeconomic test yesterday, I got 15 marks and I prepared the test the day before yesterday.
2008-02-14 7:13 pm
I had a microeconmic test yesterday which has 15 marks. I prepared for the test the previous day.

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