我想問租客終止租約通知書(英文)點樣寫. 謝謝.

2008-02-14 1:13 pm

回答 (2)

2008-02-14 4:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. Chan
Flat A, 1/F, 23 Tai Fat Street, Kowloon
Termination of Tenancy Agreement
In accordance with Clause 123 of the captioned tenancy agreement, I am writing to inform you that I will vacate from the above premises on dd/mm/yyy, and the above-mentioned tenancy agreement is hereby terminated with effect from that date.
Please release the deposit and the advance rent to me after clearance of all matters. Thank you!
Your faithfully
CHAN Tai Man
2008-02-14 3:06 pm
Please note that this s a norice to inform yu the contract No. XXXXXXX dated XX-XX-XXXX will terminate on XX-XX-XXXX. Strat from now I will give you 2 month notice for this action. The last date you need to me will on XX-XX-XXXX.

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