點解heros無season 3

2008-02-14 8:48 am
勁想睇落去,之前話有去到season 5
原因係咩? 佢地唔拍 ? 定係點牙?
有冇人可以話我知 season 3 - 5 會唔會出?

回答 (3)

2008-02-16 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Heroes Volume 3, originally planned as the second part of season 2 (to be aired early 2008) is now only hold due to the WGA Strike. Tim Krings (director of heroes) new plans are set to have Volume 3 play out as Season 3 if Heroes starts filming again.

WGA Strike/Writers Guild of America strike

>>>編劇工潮結束+......(各種原因),所以我諗Heroes Volume 3會係2008年尾左右播

Heroes: Volume 3: Villains Sneak Peek

'Heroes' season 3 would begin in late September!!!!!!

When Will 'Heroes' Season 3 Start?
Posted by HeroesFan on 2008/1/14 23:10:00 (1487 reads)
Lately our e-mail inbox has been flooded with people asking the same question. "When will Heroes season 3 start?" The best answer we have at this point in time is, "Sometime later this year."

The original plan as spelled out by NBC and the creators was that Volume 3 would actually take place during the second half of Season 2. The writers strike killed that idea though. Since the writers strike is still on going, it is impossible to say when season 3 will actually start. Though a good estimate (assuming the strike ends and everyone gets back to work) would be that 'Heroes' season 3 would begin in late September or there abouts.

If you are saying "hey wait a minute, you didn't answer the question at all!" You would be right. But it is all we have for now.

2008-02-16 3:19 am
參考: 新華社
2008-02-14 3:34 pm
我住在NYC,套劇在12月3播完season 2第11集後就暫停播出(唔知你知唔知writers' strike,所有電視劇冇人寫新劇本,拍唔到新1集)
剛好尋日writers' strike完左,好多電視劇都將會復工,拍多幾集,完成這個season,但可惜Heroes唔會,要等到秋季先回歸

2008-02-16 11:58:50 補充:
之前編劇工會因為分花紅問題而罷工左3個月,電影電視劇清談節目甚至頒獎禮都受到影響當然會有season 3

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