
2008-02-14 4:17 am

回答 (1)

2008-02-14 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
一) 要識寫 (抄寫或默書)

二)要識應用 (嘗試在沒有看著書本情況下說出詞語的各種含義; 若想更進一步掌握詞語運用,不妨用那些詞語作句子—這方法對應付不供詞填充是很有效用的。

三) 課文 (不主張隻字不漏的背頌,但須對內容熟悉,可以用說故事形式記敘內容細節。可說給對內容不太熟悉的聽如父母親,很時候因為不熟悉的緣故,對上文下理的連貫更敏銳,更易指出遺漏之處,加深記憶;即使她們的問題有時候課文沒直接提及,也不妨思考一下,或許會出現在思考題) 此外,中國語文多包含內裡意思,尤其中國詩詞,多與作者生平及歷史背景相關,要多注意,即使用詞綺麗堂皇,也可暗藏嘲諷)

四) 文法 須對文中所應用了的寫作手法非常熟悉,並且能引文舉例說明之;除了課文,寫作手法日常應用也須有一定的認識。

英文詞語 - (要串熟。不停抄寫及大聲朗讀有助加強記憶,但一定要默寫以確定成為長期記憶。

中英語文皆著重運用,不妨往書店購買補充練習,如閱讀理解,關連詞。英文的 tenses, comprehension-it depends on how fruitful your vocabulary bank is, adverb, adjective, singular/plural, nouns, prepositions, passive voice, reported speech.

數學- With reference to the syllabus to be tested on , practise, practise and practise! YOU can try the examples in the text book first, exercies/ drills given at the end of each chapter, and last other supplementary exercises. the basic rule of mathematics examination is you understand the logics in the formulaes or YOU MEMEORISE THEM ALL. Through drilling exercise, make yourself familiar with the usual application of those formulaes because mathematics questions are more or less the same!

- Make a summary on each chapter; make sure you have a clear idea of the theme of each chapter
- try to remember the content (as well in form of story telling <-- this is an execellent method of securing and enhancing memory!
- * APPLY them to your daily life and acquire basic knowledge on current issue, like names and titles of the govn't officials, govn't departments and their corresponding responsibility, updated public issues like smoking is forbidden in all public areas and littering is subject to fine. Establish personal view on some of the issues in case open ended questions appear.

it depends on how it is examined.
generally solo singing on songs that had been taught in the semester. make sure you know the songs well. In most cases, music is graded on NOTE ACCURACY音準, RHYTHM節奏 and sentiments 情感. The first 2 can be enhanced through drillings. The last one lies on inborn talents. If it is in form of written exams, musician names, history
basic application on notes arrangement, song composing with some given criteria like its a 2 beats song.

Hope it helps, good luck ; )

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