Poems help quick (20點)

2008-02-14 1:43 am
Can anyone help me to find three different types of poems (English) also the mean of them, thank!

回答 (1)

2008-02-15 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. (This is about missing something or someone)
Dont Walk Away

See i just cant find the right thing to say
Ive tried but all my pain gets in the way

Tell me what i'll have to do so you'll stay
Should i get down on my knees and pray

How can i begin agian?
How am i to understand?

When theres nothing left to do but walk away

Ruby Mae Heard

2. ( this is舒情)

Between Sunday And Monday

When will i forget that im in love with you
When the sky above forgets to be blue
When the grass in the spring forgets to be green
And little children forget the sweet taste of ice cream

The day will come between sunday and monday boy
The day will come between sunday and monday
Thats the day ill stop loving you

When will i forget the sweet love that you give
When the good man above forgets to forgive
When a boy and a kite no longer leads the wind
When a duck on a pond forgets how to swim

When will i forget how your i love you sounds
When my ears go deaf and the world shuts down

I cant name the day when your love ill forget
It hasn't been named but i know where its set

The day will come between sunday and monday boy
The day will come between sundat and monday
Thats the day ill stop loving you
Thats the day

Ruby Mae Heard

3. ( this is just a story)

Why I Drank

Now I share this poem with you:

'I drank for joy and became miserable.
I drank to be outgoing and became self centered.
I drank to be sociable and became lonely.
I drank for friendship and made enemies.
I drank to soften sorrow and wallowed in self-pity.
I drank for sleep and awakened without rest.
I drank for strength and felt weak.
I drank for relaxation and got the shakes.
I drank for confidence and felt unsure
I drank for courage and became afraid
I drank for assurance and became doubtful
I drank to forget thoughts and had blackouts
I drank for conversation and tied my tongue
I drank to be in heaven and I came to know hell
I drank to forget and became haunted
I drank for freedom and became a slave (of alcohol)
I drank to ease problems and saw them multiply
I drank to cope with life and invited death.
I drank because I had the 'right' to and everything turned out wrong.
Said this fellow, 'It must have taken a bunch of booze to get you in this shape?
I said, 'Just one. For me one is too many and a thousand isn't enough.'

Ruby Mae Heard

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