
2008-02-14 1:23 am

Sam Winchester grew up hunting such terrifying things.
But that's all in past.Law school beckons him.So do safety
and normalcy.That is,untilSam's estranged brother Dean appears
with troubling news:their father,a man who's been hunting evil for 22 years,
has disappeared.So now,to find him,the brothers must hunt what their father hunt...
and Sam must return to the life he thought he'd left behind.

回答 (1)

2008-02-14 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
阿森從小就學會獵魔. 不過, 他的恐怖生涯已經過去, 因為法律學院向他招手, 安穩似乎就在眼前.
可是, 一向和阿森不和睦的兄弟阿登突然出現, 帶來了可怕的消息. 他們的父親22年來都是獵魔能手, 但他突然失蹤了! 要尋父, 兩兄弟就要狙擊父親也未能獵獲的魔鬼, 阿森也要重拾獵魔人的生涯!

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